
Before you begin to work on your loved one. Please note the following and have fun!

  1. Remember to always communicate with your loved one when touching them. Adjusting your pressure to their feedback. They will feel empowered and it will open up a clear line of communication between you both. Ask open-ended questions like, "How does this feel?" versus "Does this feel good?" You might be surprised by what they have to say! .
  2. Don't practice on your loved one for more than 10 minutes. Less is more especially when working with children, older people, and people with compromised health.
  3. Do not work on your loved one if you or they have any contagious diseases on your skin (your hands, their feet) or open wounds.
  4. Do not work on pregnant women.
  5. Do not work on areas that are extremely swollen or where there is a recent injury (get the doctor's OK when in doubt).
  6. If your loved one is ill or of fragile health, ask their doctor if manual therapy would be OK.

Now go on and get on your way to a better bedtime for all!


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