Before you begin to work on your loved one. Please note the following and have fun!
- Remember to always communicate with your loved one when touching them. Adjusting your pressure to their feedback. They will feel empowered and it will open up a clear line of communication between you both. Ask open-ended questions like, "How does this feel?" versus "Does this feel good?" You might be surprised by what they have to say! .
- Don't practice on your loved one for more than 10 minutes. Less is more especially when working with children, older people, and people with compromised health.
- Do not work on your loved one if you or they have any contagious diseases on your skin (your hands, their feet) or open wounds.
- Do not work on pregnant women.
- Do not work on areas that are extremely swollen or where there is a recent injury (get the doctor's OK when in doubt).
- If your loved one is ill or of fragile health, ask their doctor if manual therapy would be OK.
Now go on and get on your way to a better bedtime for all!